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Terms of Use
Pakistani Chat Rooms have been around for about 20 years serving our community for the decades. This Acceptable Use Policy governs the use of computers and servers on the Pakistani Chat Rooms Web Chat Network, including but not limited to, its chat forums, web pages, and e-mail services. As a user of these resources, you are responsible for reading and understanding this document. This documents protects the users of Pakistani Chat Rooms, computing hardware and networks, and system administrators. Connection to the Our Chatroom is a privilege, not a right. We (PCR Administration) reserve the right to deny access to its network without advanced warning and without being under any obligation to provide a reason. Where a reason is provided, it is done so at the discretion of FunCafe.
Rights and Responsibilites
This network can provide access to resources locally, as well as the ability to communicate with other users worldwide. Such open access is a privilege and requires that individual users act responsibly.
Users must respect the rights of other users, respect the integrity of the systems and related physical resources, and observe all relevant laws, regulations, and contractual obligations.
Since electronic information is volatile and easily reproduced, users must exercise care in acknowledging and respecting the work of others through strict adherence to software licensing agreements and copyright laws.
FunCafe will openly and fully cooperate with any duly authorized law enforcement agency in their efforts to enforce their laws.
By using FunCafe, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless FunCafe, its resource providers, officers, operators, administrators, and other agents from any and all claims, costs, expenses, judgments, causes of action, attorney fees, litigation and court costs, resulting from the subscriber's use of FunCafe services in any manner, whether directly or indirectly or by any act or omission. You are solely responsible for the knowledge of and adherence to any and all laws, statutes, rules and regulations pertaining to (1) your use of any FunCafe service, (2) the communications means by which you connect your terminal, personal computer or other device to FunCafe services or to any service provided to and by FunCafe, and (3) the local FunCafe server you connect to as stated or referenced to in its initial message within the chatroom.
Conduct Which Violates This Policy
Definition: Access to an "account" is derived by appearing with a recognizable user address and/or supplying an appropriate password. Upon creating an account, the user assumes full responsibility for the confidentiality of your account/password. You are responsible for all uses of your account, whether or not actually or expressly authorized by you. Conduct which violates this policy includes, but is not limited to, the activities in the following list. Unauthorized access of a Nickname. Using our Platform to gain unauthorized access to any computer systems. Connecting unauthorized servers to the network. Unauthorized attempts to circumvent data protection schemes or uncover security loopholes. This includes creating and/or running programs that are designed to identify security loopholes and/or decrypt intentionally secure data. Knowingly or carelessly performing an act that will interfere with the normal operations of computers, servers, or processes on FunCafe. Knowingly or carelessly running any program that may damage or place excessive load on a server or the network. This includes, but is not limited to, mass-invites, mass-messages, and programs known as floodbots and clonebots. Connecting an automated client(s) without prior authorization by our Management. Using FunCafe resources for commercial activity, such as advertising or selling a product, for the purpose of financial gain, without prior approval of the FunCafe administration. Forging the identity of a user or machine in an electronic communication. Displaying obscene, lewd, or sexually harassing images or text on a public channel without the prior consent of that channel's operators. Intentionally repeating or transmitting material in a rapid manner producing the affect of harassing a user by "flooding" them. Attempting to monitor or tamper with another user's electronic communications, or reading, copying, changing, or deleting any part of another user's account without the explicit agreement of the owner. Using the platform for the primary purpose of facilitating the transfer of files is also not allowed and would be considered a violation of our Terms of Services.